Friday, December 26, 2008

Day One - Not So Epic

So, my blog this week is supposed to be about "Troy and Kim's Epic Eastern Adventure." Today marks Day 1, which I can confess was not so epic. Here's my highlights for today:

- 3 incredibly nasty public restrooms
- 1 mini container of Pringles
- 4 pieces of Grannie's fudge
- 1 incredibly disappointing trip to the Grove Park Inn, which resulted in a quick reservation cancellation (despite incredibly gracious service)
- 1 inland sushi dinner (which was pleasant, at least until tomorrow)

Day 1 took us from the ATL where Troy was nursing a cold or the flu; to Highlands, NC, which we drove through in a flash thanks to plenty of rain and fog; to Cashiers, NC (aka No-man's-land); to Asheville, where we've had one misadventure after another. I'm already longing for home - and it's been less than 9 hours.

Things are starting to look up though - there's a Lindy Hop convention at our hotel! :) Here's to a third glass of wine before we go watch 'em.

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